The Vein Clinic of Dallas
Cosmetic Sclerotherapy
Cosmetic Sclerotherapy, also known as Microsclerotherapy or Visual Sclerotherapy, is a virtually pain-free procedure intended to treat unwanted spider and reticular veins. Aside from improving the cosmetic appearance of your skin, it has the benefit of resolving any associated symptoms including burning and itching.
It is considered the gold standard treatment and more effective than cosmetic laser therapy, when performed meticulously by experienced hands.
There are two conditions that we often use this procedure to treat – Spider veins and reticular veins.
Spider veins/Telangiectasia/Thread veins
- Small dilated blood vessels – 0.5 – 1 mm
- Branching pattern, commonly in areas like the legs, ankles and face.
- Red, purple or blue in color.
- Commonly seen when younger, but often get more prominent as we age.
- Although generally harmless, spider veins can cause discomfort, and some people may wish to treat or remove them for cosmetic reasons.
Reticular veins
- Slightly larger than spider veins – roughly 2 mm.
- Blue in color, and often appear on the legs or ankles.
- Similar to spider veins, treatment is sought for cosmetic reasons.
Cosmetic Sclerotherapy involves microinjections of an irritant sclerosant solution directly into the vein to be treated. The sclerosant irritates the vein lining, collapsing and scarring the vein. Over several weeks, the unwanted vein is gradually absorbed by the body and disappears. The scarring is not visible on the skin surface and the cosmetic result is fantastic.
Highly effective! When treated appropriately, spider veins and reticular veins generally respond to treatment in 4-6 weeks by fading or disappearing completely. Depending on extent and severity, patients may require multiple sessions to eliminate the unwanted veins in their entirety.
Although spider veins are generally regarded as a cosmetic nuisance, they may frequently be a sign of vein disease deeper in the leg. In early stages, spider veins may actually be the only visible sign.
Success in treating spider veins is directly related to identifying potential underlying vein disease, including the presence of small feeder reticular and varicose veins which are commonly the source. Without addressing underlying venous disease, cosmetic sclerotherapy is bound to fail.
The sclerosant microinjections occur with a tiny needle similar in size to acupuncture needles and is typically performed as a walk-in walk-out treatment with no down time. The anesthetic properties of the sclerosant we use makes this a more gentle option compared to other agents on the market. The procedure typically takes 30 minutes or less.
At the Vein Clinic of Dallas, we carefully focus our treatment on what is most important to you. Treatment begins with a comprehensive consultation focusing on your desired outcome and includes an in-depth evaluation for any underlying abnormal feeding veins, which may hinder treatment success.
If no underlying venous disease is detected, cosmetic sclerotherapy may be performed. This may require multiple sessions to be effective, with approximately 4-6 weeks between treatments for the best cosmetic outcome. The number of injections and treatment sessions required are unique to each patient and dependent on the extent and severity. A treatment plan with an estimated number of sessions will be discussed at the initial consultation.
If underlying larger veins feeding the spider veins are detected, these must be treated first, prior to cosmetic sclerotherapy.
Keeping in tune with the latest innovations in cosmetic vein care, Dr. Husein Poonawala has mastered novel cosmetic sclerotherapy techniques. His unique sclerosant formulations and procedural techniques significantly reduce the number of required sessions and provide overall excellent results.
Additional Information - Cosmetic Sclerotherapy
Absolutely. Sclerotherapy has been performed for over 150 years, with continuous advancements in sclerosant agents and techniques making the procedure even more safe than it previously was.
We understand some patients are anxious about needles. Patient comfort is of paramount importance to us, so rest assured we use only the smallest needles available and have taken extensive measures to ensure a comfortable experience. Additionally, since spider veins are found in the top skin layer, injections are extremely shallow.
Most commonly, patients relate treatment to faint scratches or pinpricks with occasional mild stinging for a few seconds. There should be no concern for significant discomfort or excruciating pain. In our experience, the anticipation is worse than the actual procedure itself.
Cosmetic sclerotherapy is so minimally invasive that most patients return to their usual daily activities right away. We will recommend some mild exercise like walking to ensure good blood flow in your legs and decrease discomfort. Additionally, compression socks will be required to ensure excellent cosmetic outcomes.
- You do not need to stop your medications prior to treatment, unless otherwise advised during your consultation.
- Fasting is not required. If your procedure is scheduled for the morning, be sure to eat breakfast. However, try to avoid caffeinated beverages such as coffee and soda.
- Avoid shaving your legs immediately prior to your treatment.
- Wear loose clothing to the procedure appointment. Your leg will be wrapped in dressing material and compression stockings fitted after the procedure.
- Our patient care specialists will go over the post treatment instructions in detail and provide you with a copy to take home.
- Compression stockings will be worn continuously for the first 48 hours. Following this, the stockings should be worn for a minimum of 14 days during the day. They can be removed for showering and sleeping. The longer you wear them, the fewer the side effects and better the cosmetic results.
- You may immediately resume normal activities and work but avoid standing still for long periods of time.
- You will need to walk a minimum of 30 minutes each day for at least 3-4 weeks after the procedure. This is crucial to obtain the best results, avoid complications and make your legs feel more comfortable.
- You may continue exercising, except for strenuous or high impact exercises such as running and jumping. Walking is highly encouraged.
- Avoid hot baths, hot compresses, whirlpools, saunas for at least 3-4 weeks. The heat dilates blood vessels and may reopen treated veins.
- Avoid direct exposure of the treatment area to sunlight for at least 3-4 weeks to reduce skin staining – high SPF sunscreen is highly encouraged.
- Avoid taking anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen or naproxen for at least 48 hours after the procedure.
- We believe in treating patients like family. You will have Dr. Poonawala’s after hours number should you have any questions or concerns.
The common side effects which are a normal response to the treatment, are harmless and transient. They are expected and should not be a cause for concern although they should be reported on follow up.
- Mild discomfort – expected as a result of vein spasm and the body’s natural inflammatory response to the sclerosant. Pain is usually improved by walking, cold compresses or by taking acetaminophen in the first 48 hours. Anti-inflammatories such as Ibuprofen or Naproxen may be taken after 48 hours. Discomfort will typically be the worst for the first 1-2 days with gradual decrease and resolution thereafter. There is never a need for prescription strength painkillers.
- Skin bruising – at the treated areas and is not a cause for concern. This will typically disappear within two or three weeks and can be minimal to extensive.
- Darkening of Spider Veins – Treated spider veins frequently appear darker after sclerotherapy and will no longer blanch with pressure. This is representative of successful sclerotherapy and will gradually fade with time.
- Tender lumps – commonly seen along the treated vein and represent hardened veins; the intention of sclerotherapy. These may present a week to a month after the procedure and can persist for a few months, with gradual spontaneous resolution. They may occasionally be tender and angry appearing when trapped blood has remained with the closed vein. This can be gently drained via a tiny needle prick, resolving tenderness and preventing skin pigmentation. Dr. Poonawala frequently utilizes a novel technique of tumescent-assisted cosmetic sclerotherapy to reduce this occurrence.
- Pigmentation – Light brown discoloration or dark shadow may occur along the treated veins and is related to skin deposition of hemosiderin from “trapped blood”, an iron containing blood breakdown product. This is more frequent with larger surface veins but can occur with spider veins. In most cases, complete resolution is seen within 12 months, rarely longer. Above mentioned drainage of trapped blood will prevent prolonged pigmentation.
- Matting – This is the development of fine red veins near the previous injection sites, and occurs shortly after treatment in less than 10% of patients. Matting most commonly presents in patients with extensive surface spider veins, overweight patients and those with very fair complexion. Typically resolves spontaneously although can persist for many months. Rarely, additional cosmetic sclerotherapy or surface laser therapy can be treatment considerations when persistent.
- Phlebitis – Spontaneous inflammation of the treated veins after the initial healing process. This presents as red tender areas along the course of treated veins (similar to inflammation from trapped blood) and is treated with anti-inflammatories such as Ibuprofen and Naproxen, compression stockings and frequent walking. This is commonly mistaken for an infection and will not respond to antibiotic therapy. If extensive or progressing, a short course of blood thinners may be recommended.
Sclerotherapy has been proven to be remarkably safe and well tolerated in a large number of clinical studies, although complications can occur even with the best possible technique and attention to detail.
- Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) – development of a blood clot in the deep veins of the leg. This is a recognized complication although extremely rare with cosmetic sclerotherapy, especially if the compression stocking and daily walking regimen is followed.
- Allergic reaction – Allergic reactions to sclerosing solutions are rare, with generalized rash, airway swelling and difficulty breathing the more common serious and life threatening symptoms. These obviously require immediate treatment with epinephrine and/or steroids. Less serious reactions such as minor rashes are generally treated with antihistamines or careful observation. Allergic reactions are slightly more common in patients with asthma.
- Intra-arterial injection – rare complication occurring when an artery, rather than a vein, is inadvertently injected with the sclerosant. This can result in severe skin and tissue necrosis in the area the artery supplies. Treatments by a specialist who is well versed with intricate vascular anatomy will greatly reduce this risk.
- Skin ulcers – extremely rare complication at the treatment site (<1%), typically due to too strong a sclerosant concentration and leakage into the surrounding skin.
Since this is considered a cosmetic procedure, it is usually not covered by insurance companies. Some may cover in extenuating circumstances and extensive disease, but this is not common practice.